Metallurcigal Equipment and Solutions
Metallurcigal Equipment and Solutions
Metal Production Equipment and Refractories
Dango & Dienenthal GmbH (DDS) is a worldwide metal production and metal processing partner.
In 2002 Dango & Dienenthal and Paul Wurth founded Tapping Measuring Technology GmbH (TMT), a joint marketing and sales organization, for their tapping and measuring equipment. Their entire tapping equipment is today manufactured by the DDS workshop.
Dango & Dienenthal’s and TMT’s products and services for the production and processing of metal are:
– Tapping Technology (TMT)
– Measuring Technology (TMT)
– Forging and Handling
– Technology for Reduction Furnaces
– Skimming Technique
– Filter technique

Copper Components for Metallurgical Processes
Since 1982 Esart foundry has specialized in the casting of copper
components with the maximum cast mass of 5 Tons. These components
are used where a very high electrical conductivity min. of 85 IACS%
is required.
All the components are supplied finish machined. Our company
supplies different copper base alloys castings, copper forging and
components assembled by welding.
DUMA-BANDZINK galvanizing and aluminising lines
DUMA-BANDZINK galvanizing and aluminising lines are characterised by their outstanding coating results using a minimum of layer metal. Moreover, the equipment is robust in service and easy to maintain and to handle.
DUMA-BANDZINK GmbH is part of the SMS Group and will operate as independent company in the market.
Based on year-long experience Lungmuss Feuerfest is in a position to offer its customers tailor-made products. Starting from standard formulations, the recipes are adapted to the special service requirements in the individual works.
Lungmuss Feuerfest - A Strong Enterprise
Lungmuss Feuerfest was established on February 1st of 1958 by Hans Lungmuss. Since 1996 the company is registered as GmbH & Co. KG. Lungmuss Feuerfest is a family-controlled company, which is being run by the third generation. As the family is closely involved in the operative business, decisions are made quickly and a high degree of flexibility is granted.
The Lungmuss Feuerfest product range includes a wide selection of refractory products for:
– Steel works,
– Blast-furnace plants,
– Furnace installations,
– Foundries,
– Aluminium & Copper,
– Cement, and also
– Waste incineration plants
The production range includes:
– Castables with medium, low,
and ultra-low cement content
– Free flowing castables
– Insulation mixes
– Conventional gunning mixes
– Low-porosity gunning mixes
– Ramming mixes with carbon
and phosphate bond
– Taphole clays
– Taphole maintenance mixes
– Dry ramming mixes
– Mortar and spreading mixes
– Prefabricated Parts
Ferroseosuunin laskureiän lähialueen lämmönsiirtoanalyysi

Analyysissa tutkittiin vesikiertoisen kuparijäähdytyselementin toimintaa ja tehon tarvetta. Kuormitustapauksena oli sulan ferroseoksen ja kuonan kaato ulos uunista, jolloin sula massa kuumentaa uunin rakennetta sisäpinnalta sekä kaatoreiän sisältä.
Analyysissa sovellettiin Fourierin lain ratkaisuja elementtimenetelmällä lämmön johtumiselle tasoseinämässä, jossa lämpö siirtyy vain yhdessä suunnassa.
Laskennan tuloksena saatiin laskureiän lähiympäristön stationäärinen lämpötilajakauma, lämpövuo rakenteen sisällä sekä vaadittu jäähdytysteho sekä perustilanteessa että eroosion vaikutuksen jälkeen.
Lisätiedot analyysista:
Ota yhteyttä Kurt Westerlundiin puh. +358 10 666 2050
Särkiniementie 5 B15
Tel: +358 10 666 2050
Fax: +358 10 666 2059
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