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Events & News
Finland’s largest waste-to-energy plant commissioned in Vantaa 2014, 17th of September
Finland’s largest and most energy-efficient waste-to-energy plant was inaugurated in Vantaa in September 2014. Vantaa Energy is doing its bit to promote sustainable energy choices in society. The mixed waste used as fuel at the waste-to-energy plant will replace a corresponding volume of imported fossil fuels, such as coal and natural gas, thus contributing to Finnish security of supply.
The flue gas cleaning methods of Vantaa Energy’s waste-to-energy plant represent the best available technology. In May 2011 the Finnish energy company Vantaa Energy contracted Hitachi Zosen Inova to deliver the combustion / boiler lot to the new combined cycle power plant serving the Helsinki metropolitan area. Two factors – both high operational security and the maximal degree of efficiency – made compelling arguments in favor of the offer by Hitachi Zosen Inova and Kamwest Oy.
The earth construction work for the plant started in autumn 2011, the foundation stone was laid in May 2012, and the topping-out ceremony was held in May 2013. The trial run of the plant started in March 2014 when the first waste consignments were incinerated. In September 2014 the plant was in operation.

Westenergy’s Waste-to-Energy Plant started the operation in late summer 2012 2012, 10th of August
Westenergy’s Waste-to-Energy plant in Vaasa, Finland started the production of district heating on Friday 10th of August 2012. As fuel, the plant uses combustible source-separated waste that cannot otherwise be utilized. Most of the fuel is common household waste. In addition, different kinds of industrial waste, for example, waste from food and wood processing industries, expired groceries and agricultural waste can be utilized in the WtE plant.
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